Руководство Zanussi ZHT630M Кухонная вытяжка

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3.1- Controls are located on the right hand side of the front to operate worktop illumination and select the
most suitable working speed for your cooking. To increase the area of extraction, the glass visor should
be pulled open. The top speed should be used when frying or cooking foods with strong odours, while a
lower speed can be used for normal cooking. To obtain the best performance from your hood, turn it on
before you start cooking and leave it running for a few minutes after your cooking is over to clear the air.
3.2- Pay attention to safety regulations 1.7 and 1.8.
Regular maintenance and cleaning will ensure good performance and reliability, while extending the
working-life of the hood. Special attention should be reserved to the grease filter and to the charcoal fil-
ter (recycling mode).
4.1 - Grease filter
This retains the solid grease particles and can be supplied in different types. lt is fitted onto the reverse
side of the metal grille panel. Maintenance of the grease filter varies according to the used type.
a-Whatever type of filters used, the filter is easily removed from the grille by pushing the metal wire clips
to one side and removing.
b-Thin synthetic filter (1 mm thick). It should not be washed and should be replaced every two months. If
the filter is provided with a saturation indicator, replace when:
b.1-The violet colour of the dots, which are visible through the metal grille, is spread over the whole
surface of the filter.
b.2-The red colour of the stripes, which is not visible through the metal grille when the filter is clean,
becomes visible from the outside of the metal grille.
c-Multi-layer metal filter. It should be washed once a month in hot water using mild detergent or liquid
soap. It can be washed in a dish-washer. It should not be bent and should be left to drain dry.
WARNING: An excess of grease in the filter not only would affect the performance of the hood, but it is
also a possible fire risk. We strongly recommend therefore to clean and replace filters in accordance
with the manufacturer instructions.
4.2 - Cleaning Metal self- supporting Grease Filters
The filters are washable and must be cleaned at least every 2 months of operation, or more
frequently for particularly heavy usage.
Remove the filters one at a time by pushing them towards the back of the group and pulling down at
the same time.
Wash the filters, taking care not to bend them. Allow them to dry before refitting.
When refitting the filters, make sure that the handle is visible on the outside.
4.3 - Charcoal filter
The charcoal filter is a chemical filter to be used only when the hood is in the recycling position. To re-
place the charcoal filter, open the grille and remove the thumb screw through the centre of the charcoal
filter. If the filter is of the interlocking type, turn the filter anticlockwise. Replace by reversing the opera-
tion. For a good performance replace the charcoal filter on average every three months.
4.4 - Worktop illumination
If a lamp fails to function at any time, open the metal grille panel and check that the lamp is fully
screwed into the holder. When changing the lamp, an identical replacement must be fitted to ensure a
safe working of the hood.
4.5 - Cleaning
The metal work should be cleaned regularly, at least once a month, using mild household cleaner and
polish. Never use abrasives. For all operations from point 4.1 to point 4.4 and in particular for point 4.3,
pay special attention to the safety regulation 1.9.
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Технические характеристики

Бренд Zanussi
Модель ZHT630M
Категория Кухонные вытяжки
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Какое расстояние должно быть между варочной панелью и вытяжкой? Проверенный

Зависит от производителя, но в целом вытяжка должна находиться как минимум на расстоянии 65 см над газовой плитой, и как минимум 50 см над электрической или индукционной. Это необходимо для соблюдения пожарной безопасности.

Это было полезно (1230) Читать далее

Нужна ли мне вытяжка с мотором или без? Проверенный

Вытяжки с двигателем предназначены для вытяжки воздуха наружу. Вытяжка без мотора предназначена для централизованной системы вентиляции. Никогда не подключайте вытяжку с двигателем к центральной системе вентиляции!

Это было полезно (657) Читать далее

Где можно найти номер модели кухонной вытяжки Zanussi? Проверенный

Номер модели обычно указан на наклейке в нижней части вытяжки.

Это было полезно (22) Читать далее
Руководство Zanussi ZHT630M Кухонная вытяжка

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