Руководство Valera Swiss Nano 6000 Фен

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Styling nozzle
Fit the flat-air styling nozzle onto the hairdryer for added styling
control whilst drying.
Diffuser o “V olume” Diffuser
(if supplied with this model)
This accessory helps to volumise hair and adds soft body and
texture to naturally curly or permed hair.
Scrunch damp (but not wet) hair in your fist, lifting it upwards
and allowing the warm air from the diffuser to pass through your
Fitting the diffuser: see fig. 1.
If using the “Volume” diffuser, make sure you work the “fingers”
right into the hair as if they were your own fingertips, so that the
flow of hot air expelled from them is able to “inflate” the roots
effectively, thus increasing the volume of the hair.
ATTENTION: when you fit the diffuser onto the hairdryer use
only on the lowest heat/speed setting.
Filter (only if applicable to this model)
The hairdryer is equipped with a removable filter, which prevents
dust particles and hair from being sucked in by the fan. The filter
can be washed under running water. To remove it, pull the rear
grill off. After cleaning the filter, make sure that it is completely
dry before placing it again into the hairdryer. Then place the
rear grill on the hairdryer.
Voltage-selector (only if applicable to this model)
If the hairdryer is equipped with this device, before plugging in,
adjust the appliance to the voltage 110-125 V or 220-240 V,
according to your electricity supply. Using a small screwdriver or
similar tool.
Ionic Wellness
(only if applicable to this model)
This function is associated with a generator that produces
millions of purifying negative ions.
This hairdryer conforms to the safety regulations regarding
electrical appliances.
This hairdryer has a safety cut-out which will operate in case
of overheating. The dryer will re-set itself after being left to
cool for a few minutes, but please check air inlet and outlet
grills are perfectly clean before continuing to use the dryer.
This appliance conforms to European Directives 2014/30/EU,
2014/35/EU, 2009/125/EC, and Regulation (EC) No. 1275/2008.
The A-weighted sound pressure level of the hairdryers for
professional use is below 70 dB(A).
Switching (only if applicable to the model purchased)
Model 530.., 533.., 541.., 542.., 553.., 554..
ON/OFF Pressure must be maintained to operate the
tepid air
1=warm/low power
2=hot/high power
Model 543.., 545.., 560.., 561.., 581.., 583.., 584.., 586..
Fan Setting Temperature setting
0=Off 1=tiepid air (=COOL model 543.., 545.., 561..)
1=low power 2=warm(=1/ECOmodel 543.., 545.., 561..)
2=high power 3=hot (=2/MAX model 543.., 545.., 561..)
Mod. 583.11/P, 583.10, 584.02/IP, 584.03/P
ON=On/Off (pressure must be maintained to operate
the hairdryer)
Fan Setting Temperature setting
0=Off 1=tiepid air
1=low power 2=warm
2=high power 3=hot
COOL or COLD function
(for hairdryers fitted with this device) - Fig. 2
This function is used to set hair waves after styling.
Unplug the appliance when not in use, but never do it by pulling the
Remember to check regularly that the air inlet and outlet grills are
Allow your appliance to cool before storing away and do not wrap
the supply cord around the hairdryer in storage.
(Only for models 560.., 581.., 583.., 584.., 586..)
This hairdryer is designed for professional use.
When set to maximum temperature values, the appliance produces
very hot air. To avoid damaging the hair or skin when using the
product in a domestic environment, select lower temperature
values or do not concentrate on individual areas for too long.
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(Помните о необходимости охраны окружающей среды и распечатывайте настоящее руководство только в том случае, если это действительно необходимо)



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Подробнее об этом руководстве

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Технические характеристики

Бренд Valera
Модель Swiss Nano 6000
Категория Фены
Тип файла PDF
Размер файла 1.66 MB

Все инструкции для Valera Фены
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Часто задаваемые вопросы о Valera Swiss Nano 6000 Фен

Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

Как работает фен с ионизацией? Проверенный

Многие современные фены оснащены функцией ионизации. Благодаря этой функции отрицательные ионы защищают волосы и не дают им электризоваться.

Это было полезно (138) Читать далее

На каком расстоянии от волос следует держать фен? Проверенный

Фен следует держать на расстоянии примерно 20 см.

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Могу ли я наматывать шнур вокруг устройства после использования? Проверенный

Лучше этого не делать, так как это может повредить шнур. Лучше всего обернуть шнур так, как это было при упаковке продукта.

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Руководство Valera Swiss Nano 6000 Фен

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