Руководство Tefal GV7150E0 Express Утюг

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Vertical steam ironing
•Settheirontemperaturecontrolslideandthesteamoutputcontrol dial (located on the
control panel) to the MAX position.
As steam is very hot: never attempt to remove creases from a garment while it
is being worn, always hang garments on a coat hanger.
•Holdingtheironinaverticalposition,tiltedslightlyforwards, press repeatedly on the steam
control button (underneath the iron handle) moving the iron from top to bottom -
Refilling the water tank
When the red “tank empty” indicator light turns on, there is nomoresteam-fig.10.
The water tank is empty.
Fill the water tank up without exceeding the MAX level - fig.5.
•Replugthegeneratorin.Presstherestartbuttononthecontrol panel -
fig.11. to
continue ironing. When the green light stops flashing, the steam is ready.
Recommendations: for fabrics
other than linen or cotton,
hold the iron a few
centimetres from the
garment to avoid burning the
Maintenance and cleaning
Cleaning your generator
•Donotusedetergentordescalingproductsforcleaningthesoleplate base-unit.
•Regularlycleanthesoleplatewithadamp,non-metallicwashing up pad.
Rinsing the boiler
•Toextendtheefficientoperatinglifeofyourboilerandavoid scale particles on your
linen, your gener ator is equipped with an orange “boiler rinse” warning light that
flashes on the control panel after about 10 uses -
•Iftheorangeboilerrinse”warninglightflashes,youcancontinue ironing normally but
remember to rinse the boiler first, the next time that you use it.
•Beforeproceeding,checkthatthegeneratoriscoolandunplugged f or more than 2
With the rinsing accessory
•Usetheaccessoryprovidedwiththepackagedproduct.Itwill make it easier to rinse
the boiler as the generator will need less handling.
•Yourrinsingaccessoryhasbeendesignedtoworkonawiderange of taps. Choose the
seal (a or b) -
fig.13. that is best suited to your tap.
•Placeyoursteamgeneratorontheedgeofyoursink,withtheiron to one side,
standing on its heel.
•Unscrewanti-clockwiseaquarterofaturntheboilerrinsecap cover -
•Placetheplasticnozzleoftherinsingpipeintotheholeofthe boiler and turn gently to
the right until it locks. The outlet of this nozzle must be positioned over the sink -
•Attachtheotherendoftherinsingaccessorytoyouruntreated tap - fig.17.
•Turnthetapongentlyandgraduallyandletcoldwaterrunthrough the rinsing pipe
into the sink f or about 1 minute -
•Thenexttimeyouusethegenerator,holddownthe“restartbutton to turn
off the orange light -
OR without the rinsing accessory
•Placeyoursteamgeneratorontheedgeofyoursink,withtheiron to one side,
standing on its heel.
•Unscrewanti-clockwiseaquarterofaturntheboilerrinsecap cover -
litre of tap water -
Caution! Above all, you must
not use descaling products to
rinse the boiler: they may
damage it. Before cleaning or
emptying your generator, it is
imperative that you leave it
to cool for more than 2 hours,
to prevent any risk of burns.
1800114819-centrale_vapeur_express.qxd:Mise en page 1 9/02/09 16:11 Page 7
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Подробнее об этом руководстве

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Технические характеристики

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Модель GV7150E0 Express
Категория Утюги
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Часто задаваемые вопросы о Tefal GV7150E0 Express Утюг

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Можно ли чистить подошву утюга металлической губкой? Проверенный

Нет, это может испортить подошву. Для очистки используйте влажную ткань или мягкую губку.

Это было полезно (365) Читать далее

Чем отличается паровой утюг от обычного утюга? Проверенный

Самым большим преимуществом парового утюга является то, что он легче разглаживает морщины за счет использования пара. Обычный утюг наоборот намного легче и зачастую дешевле.

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Подошва утюга обесцвечена, можно ли гладить ею? Проверенный

Это возможно, но есть вероятность, что он будет стираться на светлой одежде.

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Можно гладить пуговицы? Проверенный

Нет, это повредит подошву утюга и помешает правильной работе утюга. Никогда не гладьте пуговицы, молнии или другие твердые предметы.

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Руководство Tefal GV7150E0 Express Утюг

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