Руководство Scarlett SC-1014 Соковыжималка

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Before switching on the appliance for the first time
please check if the technical specifications
indicated on the unit correspond to the mains
For home use only. Do not use for industrial
purposes. Do not use the appliance for any other
purposes than described in this instruction manual.
Do not use outdoors.
Do not disassemble the juice extractor when it
is plugged to the power supply. Always unplug
the appliance from the power supply before
cleaning and when not in use.
To prevent risk of electric shock and fire, do not
immerse the appliance in water or any other
liquids. If it has happened, unplug it immediately
and check in a service center.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliances by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the appliance.
Do not leave the appliance switched on when not in
Do not use other attachments than those supplied.
In order to avoid danger replacement of the
damaged power cord should be performed by the
manufacturer or service centre authorized by the
manufacturer, or experienced qualified personnel
Do not attempt to repair, adjust or replace parts in
the appliance. Check and repair the malfunctioning
appliance in the nearest service center only.
Keep the cord away from sharp edges and hot
Do not pull, twist, or wrap the power cord around
the appliance.
Do not place the appliance near gas or electric
oven or store at heated surface.
Avoid contacting with moving parts.
The grating filter is very sharp, so handle it with
Always make sure the safety lock is fastened
correctly before switching on. The unit is designed
to shut off automatically if locks are not fastened
securely in place.
Do not push products into the appliance by fingers
while it is in operation. If food becomes lodged in
feeder tube, use pusher to push it down. If this
doesn’t work, turn the motor off, unplug unit, and
then disassemble juice extractor to remove
remaining food.
Do not run juice extractor continuously for
longer than 10 minute. Turn off switch and let it
rest for at least 10 minute to cool down the motor,
otherwise the motor may be damaged.
Every time make sure that the appliance is
unplugged and all moving parts with motor are
stopped completely before disassembling and
Be sure to switch off the unit after each use.
Do not overload appliance with products.
If the product has been exposed to temperatures
below 0ºC for some time it should be kept at room
temperature for at least 2 hours before turning it
The manufacturer reserves the right to introduce
minor changes into the product design without prior
notice, unless such changes influence significantly
the product safety, performance, and functions.
After unpacking the unit and before any use, make
sure the mechanical parts of the unit and all
attachments are not damaged.
Wash and dry all parts of the appliance, which will
come into contact with products. To clean the
outside of the body use a damp sponge.
Practice assembling and dismantling the unit a few
times before making juice.
Unplug the appliance from the power supply.
Open the locks.
Remove the transparent lid, pull the grating filter
upwards, then take off separating unit. While doing
this, hold it by the beak from below and by the
underside of the top of the unit on the other side.
Place the separating unit on the motor unit, push
with both hands on the separating unit until it clicks
into place.
Insert the grating filter; turn it clockwise to fit
Mount the transparent lid and fasten the locks.
Place the pulp container under the cover, and the
glass – under the beak for juice.
Install the demountable foam separator in the
glass. It serves to remove foam from juice while it
is being poured.
Plug the appliance to the power supply.
This appliance is equipped with a safety system. If
the cover is not correctly placed or the locks are
unfastened, the appliance will not function.
Before starting make sure that the juicer is
switched off and transparent lid fixed properly.
Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Cut fruits
into small pieces so as to be fitted into the feeding
tube. Remove the stone or peel from those citrus
and fruit: prunes, apricots, cherries or oranges,
lemons, melons, etc.
Place a juice jug under spout.
Plug cord into the wall socket. Switch on the
appliance and choose desired speed:
Speed I: for soft foods (pears, strawberries,
oranges, plums, grapefruit, lemon, grapes,
marrows and pumpkins, cherries, onions,
cucumbers, garlic).
Speed II: for hard foods (artichokes, carrots,
fennel, apples, beets, potatoes, pineapple,
cabbages, leeks, celery, spinach).
Feed the pre-prepared fruits and vegetables into
the juice extractor and press down gently with the
The motor must always be running after fruit or
vegetables were fed into the appliance.
Загрузить руководство на русскийском (PDF, 0.36 MB)
(Помните о необходимости охраны окружающей среды и распечатывайте настоящее руководство только в том случае, если это действительно необходимо)



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Мы понимаем, что приятно иметь бумажное руководство для вашего Scarlett SC-1014 Соковыжималка. Вы всегда можете скачать инструкцию с нашего сайта и распечатать самостоятельно. Если вы хотите получить оригинальное руководство, мы рекомендуем вам связаться с Scarlett. Возможно, они смогут предоставить оригинальное руководство. Вы ищете руководство для вашего Scarlett SC-1014 Соковыжималка на другом языке? Выберите предпочитаемый язык на нашей домашней странице и найдите номер модели, чтобы узнать, есть ли она у нас в наличии.

Технические характеристики

Бренд Scarlett
Модель SC-1014
Категория Соковыжималки
Тип файла PDF
Размер файла 0.36 MB

Все инструкции для Scarlett Соковыжималки
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Часто задаваемые вопросы о Scarlett SC-1014 Соковыжималка

Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

Нужно ли чистить фрукты перед тем, как положить их в соковыжималку? Проверенный

Нет, как правило, в соковыжималку можно вставлять неочищенные фрукты. Кожура соберется вместе с мякотью. Рекомендуется удалить с фруктов все возможные косточки.

Это было полезно (105) Читать далее

В чем разница между универсальной соковыжималкой и соковыжималкой для цитрусовых? Проверенный

Соковыжималка для цитрусовых выдавливает сок из заранее разрезанных на две части цитрусовых, оставляя мякоть в фрукте. Универсальная соковыжималка вращает фрукты целиком, выдавливая из них сок через сетку и отдельно собирая мякоть, благодаря чему сока получается больше.

Это было полезно (99) Читать далее
Руководство Scarlett SC-1014 Соковыжималка

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