Руководство Scarlett IS-AP7801 Очиститель воздуха

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Please read this instruction manual carefully before use and
keep in a safe place for future reference.
Before the first connecting of the appliance check that
voltage indicated on the rating label corresponds to the mains
voltage in your home.
For home use only. Do not use for industrial purposes. Do not
use the appliance for any other purposes than described in
this instruction manual.
Do not use outdoors.
Always unplug the appliance from the power supply before
cleaning and when not in use.
To prevent risk of electric shock and fire, do not immerse the
appliance in water or in any other liquids. If it was happened
DO NOT TOUCH the appliance, unplug it immediately and
check in service center.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliances by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
Do not use other attachments than those supplied.
If the power cord is damaged it should be replaced by the
manufacturer or authorized servicing center or qualified
professional for safety reasons.
Do not attempt to repair, adjust or replace parts in the
appliance. Check and repair the malfunctioning appliance in
the nearest service center only.
Keep the cord away from sharp edges and hot surfaces.
Do not pull, twist, or wrap the power cord around appliance.
Do not use the device in a small confined space.
Do not insert foreign objects into the grill.
Don't connect the appliance to the mains if the cover of filter
compartment is not closed.
If the unit was got from the environment with temperature < 0
ºC, keep it under the room conditions at least 2 hours.
The manufacturer reserves the right to introduce minor
changes into the product design without prior notice, unless
such changes influence significantly the product safety,
performance, and functions.
The air cleaner with UV lamp and built-in ionizer helps
to maintain indoor air parameters optimum for human
health. The built-in HEPA filter, Class H13 cleans air from
various contaminants, such us dust, dust mites and other
microscopic parasites, mold spores, pollen, bacteria, etc.
The carbon filter effectively removes odors of tobacco
smoke, nicotine, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide,
and various chemical air contaminants. Additionally, air
is disinfected with ultraviolet light emitted by the bulb
located inside the appliance. UV radiation is a well-studied,
safe, and well-proven technology, which is widely used in
hospitals for more than 50 years, and eliminates infectious
microorganisms. UV radiation is able to eliminate airborne
bacteria and microbes, including all influenza viruses, when
they pass through the inlet opening, because it destroys
their DNA structure by the light waves having specific
wavelength. At that, the light emitted by this bulb is safe for
people located in the room when the device operates, since
the ultraviolet radiation remains enclosed in the device, and
only the air flow passing through the device is processed. The
air can be cleaned and purified without UV radiation, too. The
built-in ionizer saturates air with ions and creates the effect of
"Forest Air", which contributes to the prevention of chronic
diseases, and positively influences on patients with asthma,
allergy, blind headache, hypertension, diseases of digestive
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(Помните о необходимости охраны окружающей среды и распечатывайте настоящее руководство только в том случае, если это действительно необходимо)



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Подробнее об этом руководстве

Мы понимаем, что приятно иметь бумажное руководство для вашего Scarlett IS-AP7801 Очиститель воздуха. Вы всегда можете скачать инструкцию с нашего сайта и распечатать самостоятельно. Если вы хотите получить оригинальное руководство, мы рекомендуем вам связаться с Scarlett. Возможно, они смогут предоставить оригинальное руководство. Вы ищете руководство для вашего Scarlett IS-AP7801 Очиститель воздуха на другом языке? Выберите предпочитаемый язык на нашей домашней странице и найдите номер модели, чтобы узнать, есть ли она у нас в наличии.

Технические характеристики

Бренд Scarlett
Модель IS-AP7801
Категория Очистители воздуха
Тип файла PDF
Размер файла 1.58 MB

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Очиститель воздуха также удаляет обычную пыль из воздуха? Проверенный

Да, воздухоочистители также удаляют из воздуха пыль, которую в противном случае пришлось бы удалять путем вытирания пыли и очистки. От очистителя воздуха зависит, до какого размера пыль удаляется из воздуха.

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Руководство Scarlett IS-AP7801 Очиститель воздуха

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