Руководство Saturn ST-EC0123 Хлебопечка

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by pressing the СТАРТ/СТОП button.
Please check the sensor in the nearest
authorized service center.
1. Please check if all parts and accesso-
ries are complete and free of damage.
2. Clean all the parts according to the
latter section “Cleaning and Mainte-
3. Set the bread maker in baking mode
and bake empty for about 10 minutes.
After cooling it down clean once more.
4. Dry all parts thoroughly and assem-
bly them, so the appliance is ready for
1. Lay the bread maker on the flat sur-
2. Select single bread pan or double
bread pan according to your desired.
Place the pan in correct position and
press down it lightly until it locked in
place. If it is not placed in correct posi-
tion, it can not be pressed down com-
pletely. Then insert the kneading blade
onto the drive shaft. It is recommended
to fill holes with heat-resisting marga-
rine prior to placing the kneaders, this
avoids the dough to stick below the
kneaders and the kneaders could be
removed from bread easily.
3. Place ingredients into the bread pan.
Usually the water or liquid substance
should be put firstly, then add sugar,
salt and flour, always add yeast or bak-
ing powder as the last ingredient.
干的 配料
Ye a s t o r so d a
Dry ing
red ie nts
Wa t e r o r l iq u id
NOTE: The maximum quantity of flour
and yeast is 810g and 2 teaspoons for
single bread pan; for double bread pan,
the maximum quantity of flour and
yeast each bread pan is 300g and 2
4. With finger make a small indentation
on one side of the flour. Add yeast to
indentation make sure it does not come
into contact with the liquid ingredients
or salt.
5. Close the lid gently and plug the
power cord into a wall outlet.
6. Press the «МЕНЮ» (MENU) button
until your desired program is selected.
7. Press the «ЦВЕТ»(COLOR )button to
select the desired crust color (if applica-
button to select the desired size (2.0lb,
2.5lb, 3.0lb or DOUBLE) (if applicable).
Note: the loaf size of DOUBLE only is
suitable for double bread pan.
9. Set the delay time by pressing “ВРЕ-
МЯ+” or “ВРЕМЯ-” button. This step
may be skipped if you want the bread
maker to start working immediately.
10. Press the СТАРТ/СТОП button once
to start working. The colon will flash.
11. For the program of Basic, Whole
wheat, French, Quick, Sweet, Cake,
Sandwich and Gluten free, beeps sound
will be heard during operation. This is to
prompt you to add ingredients. Open
the lid and put in some ingredients. It is
possible that steam will escape through
the vent slits in the lid during baking.
This is normal.
12. Once the process has been complet-
ed, beeps sound will be heard, and the
working light will extinguish. You can
press СТАРТ/СТОП button for more than
2 seconds to stop the process and take
out the bread. Open the Lid and while
using oven mitts, firmly grasp the bread
pan handle, gently pull the pan straight
up and out of the machine.
13. Use non-stick spatula to gently
loosen the sides of the bread from the
CAUTION: The Bread pan and bread
may be very hot! Always handle with
care and use oven mitts.
14. Turn bread pan upside down onto a
clean cooking surface and gently shake
until bread falls out onto rack.
15. Remove the bread carefully from the
pan and cool for about 20 minutes be-
fore slicing.
16. If you are out of the room or have
not pressed СТАРТ/СТОП button at the
end of operation, the bread will be kept
warm automatically for 1 hour (if appli-
cable), if you would like to take the
bread out, switch the program off with
the СТАРТ/СТОП button.
17. When do not use or completely op-
eration, unplug the power cord.
NOTE: Before slicing the loaf, use the
hook to remove out the kneading blade
hidden on the bottom of loaf. The loaf is
hot, never use hand to remove the
kneading blade.
1. For Quick program
With Quick program, the bread maker
can finish making a loaf within shorter
period with baking powder or soda in
place of yeast. To obtain perfect quick
bread, it is suggested that all liquid in-
gredients shall be placed at the bottom
of the bread pan and dry ingredients on
the top, but during the initial kneading,
some dry ingredients may collect in the
corners of the pan, so in order to avoid
flour clumps, you may use a rubber
spatula to help to knead dough.
2. For Ultra fast program
With Ultra fast program, the bread mak-
er can finish making a loaf within short-
est period, so the loaf may be a little
denser in texture. For Ultra fast bread,
water temperature is very critical for
fermentation performance, if water
temperature is too low, the loaf will not
rise to the expected size; if water tem-
perature is too high, yeast is likely to
lose activity so as to affect fermentation
performance. Please note water tem-
perature should be controlled in the
range of 48—50
C, so before making
Ultra fast bread, you must use a ther-
mometer to measure water tempera-
Disconnect the machine from the power
and let it cool down prior to cleaning.
1. Bread pan: Remove the bread pan
by pulling the handle, wipe inside and
outside of pan with a damp clothes, do
not use any sharp or abrasive agents for
the consideration of protecting the non-
stick coating. The pan must be dried
completely before installing.
2. Kneading blade: If the kneading
blade is difficult to remove from the
axle, in such an event fill the container
with warm water and allow it to soak for
approx. 30 minutes. The kneader can
then be easily removed for cleaning.
Also wipe the blade carefully with a cot-
ton damp cloth. Please note both the
bread pan and kneading blade are dish-
washing safe components.
3. Lid and window: Clean the lid in-
side and outside with a slightly damp
4. Housing: Gently wipe the outer sur-
face of housing with a wet cloth. Do not
use any abrasive cleaner to clean as this
would degrade the high polish of the
surface. Never immerse the housing into
water for cleaning.
5. Before the bread maker is packed
away for storage, ensure that it has
completely cooled down, clean and dry,
put the spoon and the kneading blade in
the pan, and close the lid.
1. Bread flour
Bread flour has high content of high
gluten (so it can be also called high-
gluten flour which contains high pro-
tein), it has good elastic and can keep
the size of the bread from collapsing
after rise. As the gluten content is high-
er than the common flour, so it can be
used for making bread with large size
and better inner fiber. Bread flour is the
most important ingredient of making
2. Plain flour
Flour that contains no baking powder, it
is applicable for making express bread.
3. Whole-wheat flour
Whole-wheat flour is ground from grain.
It contains wheat skin and gluten.
Whole-wheat flour is heavier and more
nutrient than common flour. The bread
made by whole-wheat flour is usually
small in size. So many recipes usually
combine the whole -wheat flour or
bread flour to achieve the best result.
4. Black wheat flour
Black wheat flour, also named as “rough
flour”, it is a kind of high fiber flour, and
it is similar with whole-wheat flour. To
obtain the large size after rising, it must
be used in combination with high pro-
portion of bread flour.
5. Self-rising flour
A type of flour that contains baking
powder, it is used for making cakes spe-
6. Corn flour and oatmeal flour
Corn flour and oatmeal flour are ground
from corn and oatmeal separately. They
are the additive ingredients of making
rough bread, which are used for en-
hancing the flavor and texture.
7. Sugar
Sugar is very important ingredient to
increase sweet taste and color of bread.
And it is also considered as nourishment
in the yeast bread. White sugar is large-
ly used. Brown sugar, powder sugar or
cotton sugar may be called by special
8. Yeast
After yeasting process, the yeast will
produce carbon dioxide. The carbon
dioxide will expand bread and make the
inner fiber soften. However, yeast fast
breeding needs carbohydrate in sugar
and flour as nourishment.
1 tsp. active dry yeast =3/4 tsp. instant
1.5 tsp. active dry yeast =1 tsp. instant
2 tsp. active dry yeast =1.5 tsp. instant
Yeast must be stored in the refrigerator,
as the fungus in it will be killed at high
temperature, before using, check the
production date and storage life of your
yeast. Store it back to the refrigerator
as soon as possible after each use. Usu-
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Бренд Saturn
Модель ST-EC0123
Категория Хлебопечки
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Могу ли я очистить форму для выпечки хлебопечки мочалкой? Проверенный

Нет. У большинства хлебопеков есть формы для выпечки с антипригарным слоем, которые можно повредить мочалкой или абразивным очистителем. Используйте только мягкую сторону мочалки или влажную салфетку.

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Руководство Saturn ST-EC0123 Хлебопечка

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