Руководство Philips PTA518 Активные 3D очки

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Care for the glasses
• Use a clean soft cloth (microber or
cotton annel) to clean the lenses to avoid
scratching them. Never spray cleaner
directly on the 3D glasses. This may damage
the electronics.
• Do not use cleaning chemicals containing
alcohol, solvent, surfactant, or wax, benzene,
thinner, mosquito repellant or lubricant. Us-
ing these chemicals can cause discoloration
or cracks.
• Do not expose the 3D glasses to direct
sunlight, heat, re or water. This may result in
a product malfunction or re.
• Do not drop, bend or apply force to the
lenses of the 3D glasses.
• Do not try to replace the rechargeable
battery. It is non-replaceable.
Health warning
• Not suitable for children under the age
of 6.
• If you or your family has a history of
epilepsy or photosensitive seizures, consult
a medical professional before exposing
yourself to ashing light sources, rapid image
sequences or 3D viewing.
To avoid discomfort such as dizziness,
headache or disorientation, we recommend
not watching 3D for extended periods
of time. If you experience any discomfort,
stop watching 3D and do not immediately
engage in any potentially hazardous activ-
ity (for example driving a car) until your
symptoms have disappeared. If symptoms
persist, do not resume watching 3D without
consulting a medical professional rst.
• Parents should monitor their children
during 3D viewing and ensure they do not
experience any discomfort as mentioned
above. Watching 3D is not recommended
for children under 6 years of age as their
visual system is not fully developed yet.
• Do not use the 3D glasses for any pur-
pose other than watching 3D TV.
3D system : Active 3D glasses
Battery type : Lithium-ion rechargeable
Transmission system : IR (Infra Red)
Max. Signal Distance : 6m
Operation temperature : 5° to 40°C
Disposal of your old product and batteries
Your product is designed and manufactured with
high quality materials and components, which can
be recycled and reused.
When this crossed-out wheeled bin
symbol is attached to a product it means
that the product is covered by the
European Directive 2002/96/EC.
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(Помните о необходимости охраны окружающей среды и распечатывайте настоящее руководство только в том случае, если это действительно необходимо)



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Подробнее об этом руководстве

Мы понимаем, что приятно иметь бумажное руководство для вашего Philips PTA518 Активные 3D очки. Вы всегда можете скачать инструкцию с нашего сайта и распечатать самостоятельно. Если вы хотите получить оригинальное руководство, мы рекомендуем вам связаться с Philips. Возможно, они смогут предоставить оригинальное руководство. Вы ищете руководство для вашего Philips PTA518 Активные 3D очки на другом языке? Выберите предпочитаемый язык на нашей домашней странице и найдите номер модели, чтобы узнать, есть ли она у нас в наличии.

Технические характеристики

Бренд Philips
Модель PTA518
Категория Активные 3D очки
Тип файла PDF
Размер файла 2.41 MB

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