Руководство First Austria FA-6407-1 Кухонные весы

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2 3
(Please read the instructions before use)
(see g. 1)
a) Weighing platform
b) Function keys
c) Numeric keys
d) LCD
1. With high precision strain gauge sensor and extra
large LCD: 40.5mm x 37mm
2. Complete database on 7 nutritional values of
999 food or ingredients
Nutrition Code Unit
calorie kcal/kJ kcal/kJ
salt salt mg
cholesterol CHOL mg
bre FIBR g
3. Codes for 999 food are indicated on the list of food
code in the appendix of the instruction manual
4. Temperature sensor and alarm timer inside
5. Low power/overload indication
6. Manual off/Auto off in 2 minutes
1. Max.capacity: 5kg/11Lb
2. Division: 1g/0.05oz
3. Unit: g, kg, oz, lb:oz
4. Temperature range: 0~40℃ (32~104℉);
Temperature division: 0.5℃/0.5℉
5. Alarm timer span: 99‘59
a) Memory
b) Food code
c) Timer/temperature
d) Value
Total memory icon
Low battery indicator
Timer icon
Negative value
Zero weight
Nutrition code
Function keys
Power switch
Reset to zero during weighing
Set alarm timer span
1. Transfer weight unit under weighing mode
2. Back to show the weight of food under
nutrition value mode
3. Check total weight of all food items stored
in memory
To clear current LCD value
Nutrition code key
1. Check nutrition value under nutrition value mode
2. Check total nutrition value when recalling historical
Numeric keypad
Input food code or set alarm timer span
To add the food item being weighed to
memory. Max. 99 memory can be added
Check total nutrition value of the food items
stored to memory.
Working modes (see g. 3)
a) Weighing mode
b) Nutrition value mode
c) Nutrition value saving mode
Install/replace battery
Open battery case cover at the back of scale
A. Take out the used batteries, with the aid of a sharp
object if needed
B. Install new batteries by putting one side of the
battery down rst and pressing down the other
side. (Please observe the polarity) (3xAAA)
WEIGHING MODE (see g. 4a)
1. Press “ON/OFF“ to switch on
2. Auto check-up
3. Show zero value
4. Put food on weighing platform
5. Press „ON/OFF “ to switch off after weighing
A Press
to convert unit. When scale shows zero
value, press
to convert weight unit between g,
kg, oz, and lb:oz.
B Press
to convert unit. When food is loaded on
weighing platform, press
to view weight value of
the food in different weight units.
Remark: The unit system of scale depends on sales
destination or the requirement of distributor.
To weigh more loads consecutively without removing
loads from scale.
Put rst load on the scale, get rst weight reading.
Press „ZERO“ to reset the LCD reading to „0“ before
adding next load. You can repeat this operation.
1. Find out code of the food being weighed on the
food list
2. Input 3-digit food code in numeric keypad
3. Press „CLC/MC“ to clear food code and input new
food code
1. Input food code
2. Load the food item
3. Press „kcal/kJ“ to view calorie value of the food
4. Press „kcal/kJ“ to view calorie value of the food
5. Press
“ to view carbohydrate value of the
6. Press other nutrition code keys to view other
nutrition values
Under nutrition value mode, press any nutrition button,
LCD shows that nurtition value. If add more weighing
object, the nutritional value will increase in proportion.
(see g. 6)
1. Input food code
2. Load the food item
3. Press
“ to view protein value of the food
4. Press „M+“ to save values of the rst food item into
5. Take away the rst food, and input code of the
second food
6. Input second food code
7. Load the second food item
8. Press „M+“ to save values of the second food item
into memory
9. Press „MR“ to see total nutritional values of food
items stored to memory
10. Press „Salt“ to view total sodium values of food
items stored to memory
11. To save more values in the same way
Under weighing or nutrition value mode, press
M+ button to add on weight or nutrition value, and
meanwhile add one record to memory. When viewing
the total add on value, press any nutrition button to
view the total value of that nutrition.
(see g. 7)
1. Press „ON/OFF“ to switch on
2. Auto searching historical records in memory
3. Show zero value after searching
4. Press „MR“ to see total nutritional values of food
items stored to memory
5. See other total nutritional values in the same way
Every time you switch off the scale, nutritional values
stored in memory can be saved.
When you switch on the scale again, you can view last
records of total values.
(see g. 8)
1. Press „CLR/MC“ for 3 seconds
2. Cleared
3. Press „MR“ back to weighing mode
TO SET ALARM TIMER (see g. 9)
1. Switch on
2. Press „T-SET“ to enter alarm setting mode
3. Input timer span in numeric keypad
4. Press „T-SET“ to start counting down
5. When counting down nishes, alarm will start
„beeping“ for 30 times. Press any key to stop
When setting timer span, you can press „CLR/MC“
to clear input; During counting down, you can press
„T-SET“ to clear and re-input timer span.
a) Show environment temperature
If no operation takes place in 2 minutes
Auto shut-off occurs if display shows „0“ or the
same reading for 2 minutes.
INDICATORS (see g. 11)
a) Low battery power
b) Overload
c) Nutrition value higher than 199999
d) Negative nutrition value or enter nutrition value
mode during input of food code
1. Clean the scale with a slightly damp cloth. DO
NOT immerse the scale in water or use chemical/
abrasive cleaning agents.
2. All plastic parts should be cleaned immediately
after contact with fats, spices, vinegar and strongly
avored/colored foods. Avoid contact with acids
citrus juices.
3. Always use the scale on a hard, at surface. DO
NOT use on carpet.
4. DO NOT strike, shake or drop the scale.
5. The scale is high precision device. Please take
care of it and keep it away from strong electroma-
gnetic eld.
6. Please keep it dry.
7. Please check whether battery is installed or in high
level if scale can not be turned on.
8. The scale is for family use only, not for commercial
purpose, not for commercial or medical purpose.
M_6407-1_v02.indd 2-3 12-9-7 上午8:53
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Категория Кухонные весы
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Размер файла 2.84 MB

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Сколько граммов в одной унции? Проверенный

Одна унция равна 28,3495231 грамм, или 28,5 грамм с округлением в большую сторону.

Это было полезно (454) Читать далее

Аккумулятор в моем устройстве окислился, могу ли я его безопасно использовать? Проверенный

Ja, устройство все еще можно безопасно использовать. Во-первых снимаем оксидизд АКБ. Никогда не используйте для этого голые руки. Затем протрите батарейный отсек ватным тампоном, смоченным уксусом или лимонным соком. Дайте ему высохнуть и вставьте новые батарейки.

Это было полезно (245) Читать далее

Как очистить кухонные весы? Проверенный

Кухонные весы - это электронное устройство, поэтому их нельзя мыть в посудомоечной машине. Для очистки кухонных весов используйте влажную ткань и мягкое моющее средство.

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Руководство First Austria FA-6407-1 Кухонные весы

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