Руководство Denzel 26605 RH-750-24 Перфоратор

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b) While working use personal protective equipment. Always wear safety glasses. Timely using of protective
equipment such as: dust mask, boots with non-slip sole , safety hat or noise protection headphones,
signicantly reduces the risk of injury.
c) Do not allow unintended start. Before plugging in electric tool and/or connecting it to battery lift or move it,
be sure the switch is in the o position. Do not carry electric tool with the trigger switch pressed and do not
plug the electric tool into a power outlet if the switch is set to "on". This may lead to an accident.
d) Before turning on the electric tool remove from it all adjusting keys or spanners. An adjusting key or spanner
left xed on the rotating part of the electric tool can cause severe injury.
e) Work in a steady posture. Always keep your balance and a steady posture. This will allow you not to lose
control when working with electric tool in an unexpected situation.
f) Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothes or jewelry while working. Make sure your hair, clothing or gloves are
at a constant distance from the rotating parts of the tool. Loose clothes, jewelry or long hair can get into the
rotating parts of the tool.
g) If the electric tool is equipped with a dust collection and removal device, make sure this device is properly
connected and used. The use of a dust removal device signicantly reduces the risk of an accident due to a
dusty working space.
Use of electric tools and technical care
a) Do not overload the electric tool. Use your tool for its intended purpose. The electric tool works safe and secure
only if you keep to the parameters specied in its technical specications.
b) Do not use the electric tool if its switch cannot be set to the “on” or “o” position. Electric tool with a broken
switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
c) Unplug the electric tool from the power outlet and/or remove battery before adjusting, replacement of
accessories or when storing electric tool. Such precautions reduce the risk of an accidentally turning on of the
electric tool.
d) Store unused electric tools out of the reach of children and do not let persons who are not familiar with electric tool or
these instructions work with electric tools. Electric tools are dangerous in the hands of inexperienced users.
e) Check the electric tool regularly. Check alignment accuracy and ease of movement of moving parts, integrity
of parts and any other elements of the electric tool aecting its work. Do not use a broken electric tool until it is
completely repaired. Most accidents are the result of insucient maintenance of the electric tool.
f) Watch out for sharpness and cleanness of cutting accessories. Sharp-edged accessories allow avoiding jamming
and make work less tiring.
g) Use electric tool and accessories in accordance with this manual and taking into account the working conditions
and nature of future work. Misuse of the electric tool can create a hazardous situation.
Your electric tool must be repaired only by qualied specialists using original spare parts. This will ensure safety
and reliability of your electric tool in further use.
Additional Safety Rules when working with Electrical Rotary Hammer
Wear ear protectors. Noise exposure may cause hearing loss.
Use extra handles supplied with the tool when working. Loss of tool control may cause serious injury.
Hold electric tool for insulated handles when performing operations during which working tooling can touch
the hidden wiring or its own cable. A contact with live wire may cause voltage on metal parts of electric tool
which creates danger of electric shock.
Use clamps or other devices for xing the workpiece installing them only on a xed surface. If you hold the
workpiece by hands, you can lose control over the tool or workpiece.
Wear safety glasses or other eye protection. When drilling with an impact, material particles scatter in all
directions. Scattering particles can damage the eyes. When performing operations during which dust appears,
wear a protective mask or a respirator. When performing most operations it is recommended to wear noise
headphones or other ear protection.
When working always hold the tool rmly. It is allowed to work with a tool only holding it with both hands. It is
recommended to use the auxiliary handle during each operation. One-hand tool management may lead to loss
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Технические характеристики

Бренд Denzel
Модель 26605 RH-750-24
Категория Перфораторы
Тип файла PDF
Размер файла 2.58 MB

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В чем разница между ударной дрелью и перфоратором? Проверенный

Ударные дрели можно использовать для сверления отверстий в кирпичных стенах и стенах из раствора. Для сверления отверстий в бетонных стенах понадобится перфоратор.

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Что измеряют в джоулях (Дж) применительно к перфораторам? Проверенный

Количество джоулей указывает на энергию удара перфоратора. Для просверливания стандартных отверстий в бетоне достаточно перфоратора мощностью 2,2 Дж.

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Нужно ли мне носить средства защиты органов слуха при использовании дрели? Проверенный

Да, ты должен. Хотя уровень шума, производимого дрелью, может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, длительное воздействие громкого шума может привести к необратимому повреждению слуха. Вот почему рекомендуется использовать средства защиты органов слуха.

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Можно ли хранить электроинструменты в сарае или гараже? Проверенный

В общем, хранить электроинструменты можно в сарае или гараже, даже если там иногда замерзает. Однако для продления срока службы электроинструмента лучше хранить его в сухом месте без сильных колебаний температуры. В сарае или гараже разница температур может привести к образованию конденсата, который может вызвать ржавчину. Кроме того, инструменты, работающие от аккумуляторов, служат меньше и плохо заряжаются при очень низких температурах. Чтобы знать, как следует хранить ваш электроинструмент, всегда внимательно читайте руководство пользователя.

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Руководство Denzel 26605 RH-750-24 Перфоратор

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