Руководство Chicco Talking Video Phone

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• Batteries must only be tted by an adult.
To replace spent batteries: Loosen the screw on the battery compartment cover, located under the Talking
Video Phone, with a screwdriver and open the cover. Then remove the spent batteries and t new ones,
ensuring that they have been tted in the correct polarity (as shown on the product), close the battery
cover, and tighten the screw.
Always keep batteries and tools out of reach of children.
Always remove spent batteries from the toy to avoid the danger of leakage from the battery damaging the
Always remove the batteries if the toy will not be used for a long period of time.
Only use alkaline batteries of the same type or equivalent to the type recommended for the correct func-
tion of this product.
• Never mix new and old or different types of batteries.
Do not burn or dispose of spent batteries into the environment. Dispose of them at an appropriate dif-
ferentiated collection point.
• Do not short-circuit the battery terminals.
• Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries, they might explode.
The use of rechargeable batteries is not recommended, since they might impair the toy’s functionality.
If rechargeable batteries are used, remove them from the toy before recharging; this operation must be
carried out only under adult supervision.
The crossed bin symbol on the appliance indicates that the product, at the end of its life, must be
disposed of separately from domestic waste, either by taking it to a separate waste disposal site for
electric and electronic appliances or by returning it to your dealer when you buy another similar
appliance. The user is responsible for taking the appliance to a special waste disposal site at the end
of its life. If the disused appliance is collected correctly as separate waste, it can be recycled, treated and
disposed of ecologically; this avoids a negative impact on both the environment and health, and contributes
towards the recycling of the product’s materials. For further information regarding the waste disposal serv-
ices available, contact your local waste disposal agency or the shop where you bought the appliance.
The crossed bin symbol on the batteries or product pack indicates that, at the end of their life,
they must not be disposed of as urban refuse. They must be disposed of separately from domestic
waste, either by taking them to a separate waste disposal site for batteries or by returning them
to your dealer when you buy similar rechargeable or non-rechargeable batteries. The chemical
symbols Hg, Cd, Pb, printed under the crossed bin symbol, indicate the type of substance contained in the
batteries: Hg=Mercury, Cd=Cadmium, Pb=Led. The user is responsible for taking the batteries to a special
waste disposal site at the end of their life, so that they can be treated and recycled. If the spent batteries are
collected correctly as separate waste, they can be recycled, treated and disposed of ecologically; this avoids
a negative impact on both the environment and human health, and contributes towards the recycling of the
batteries’ substances. Non-compliance with the norms on battery disposal damages the environment and
human health. For further information regarding the waste disposal services available, contact your local
waste disposal agency or the shop where you bought the batteries.
Clean the toy with a soft dry cloth to prevent the risk of damaging the electronic circuit.
• Do not submerge the toy in water.
• Protect the toy from heat, dust, sand and water.
The product must not be repaired or modied by the purchaser or unqualied staff.
Made in China.
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Подробнее об этом руководстве

Мы понимаем, что приятно иметь бумажное руководство для вашего Chicco Talking Video Phone. Вы всегда можете скачать инструкцию с нашего сайта и распечатать самостоятельно. Если вы хотите получить оригинальное руководство, мы рекомендуем вам связаться с Chicco. Возможно, они смогут предоставить оригинальное руководство. Вы ищете руководство для вашего Chicco Talking Video Phone на другом языке? Выберите предпочитаемый язык на нашей домашней странице и найдите номер модели, чтобы узнать, есть ли она у нас в наличии.

Технические характеристики

Бренд Chicco
Модель Talking Video Phone
Категория Игрушки
Тип файла PDF
Размер файла 2.49 MB

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