Руководство Bowers and Wilkins Signature SCM Динамики

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Limited Warranty
Dear customer,
Welcome to B&W.
This product has been designed and
manufactured to the highest quality
standards. However, if something does go
wrong with this product, B&W
Loudspeakers and its national distributors
warrant free of charge labour (exclusion
may apply) and replacement parts in any
country served by an official B&W
This limited warranty is valid for a period of
five years from the date of purchase or two
years for electronics including amplified
Terms and Conditions
1 The warranty is limited to the repair of
the equipment. Neither transportation,
nor any other costs, nor any risk for
removal, transportation and installation
of products is covered by this warranty.
2 This warranty is only valid for the
original owner. It is not transferable.
3 This warranty will not be applicable in
cases other than defects in materials
and/or workmanship at the time of
purchase and will not be applicable:
a. for damages caused by incorrect
installation, connection or packing,
b. for damages caused by any use other
than correct use described in the user
manual, negligence, modifications, or
use of parts that are not made or
authorised by B&W,
c. for damages caused by faulty or
unsuitable ancillary equipment,
d. for damages caused by accidents,
lightning, water, fire heat, war, public
disturbances or any other cause
beyond the reasonable control of B&W
and its appointed distributors,
e. for products whose serial number has
been altered, deleted, removed or
made illegible,
f. if repairs or modifications have been
executed by an unauthorised person.
4 This guarantee complements any
national/regional law obligations of
dealers or national distributors and
does not affect your statutory rights as
a customer.
How to claim repairs under
Should service be required, please follow
the following procedure:
1 If the equipment is being used in the
country of purchase, you should
contact the B&W authorised dealer
from whom the equipment was
2 If the equipment is being used outside
the country of purchase, you should
contact B&W national distributor in the
country of residence who will advise
where the equipment can be serviced.
You can call B&W in the UK or visit our
web site to get the contact details of
your local distributor.
To validate your warranty, you will need to
produce this warranty booklet completed
and stamped by your dealer on the date of
purchase. Alternatively, you will need the
original sales invoice or other proof of
ownership and date of purchase.
Owner’s manual
Thank you for choosing Bowers and
Your Signature™ Series speakers are
precision transducers incorporating many
innovative techniques unique to B&W and
capable of reproducing recorded sound to
the highest standards. So that they may
perform at their best, it is essential to take
time and care with the installation process.
In particular, you must regard the listening
room as an extension of the speaker. The
acoustic character of the room can have a
profound effect on the final sound quality.
The Signature™SCM is a shallow speaker
designed for on-wall mounting, primarily for
surround channel use in conjunction with
other Signature™ Series speakers.
However, it may be used wherever a
shallow speaker is required, but bearing in
mind the comments below on magnetic
B&W maintains a network of dedicated
distributors in over 60 countries who will be
able to help you should you have any
problems your dealer cannot resolve.
Unpacking (figure 1)
Fold the carton flaps right back and
invert the carton and contents.
Lift the carton clear of the contents.
Remove the inner packing from the
We suggest you retain the packing for
future use.
Check in the carton for:
2 terminal link cables
1 cleaning cloth
Warranty booklet
1 aluminium wall plate
1 aluminium support plate
Polythene bag containing:
4 M5 socket screws
1 M8 socket screw
3mm Allen key
6mm Allen key
All connections should be made with the
equipment switched off.
There are 2 pairs of terminals at the back of
the speaker to permit bi-wiring. The lower
pair feed the bass/midrange drive unit and
the upper pair feed the tweeter.
The terminals are insulated to prevent any
likelihood of electrical shock, even when
the speakers are used with the highest
powered amplifiers, and accept a variety of
cable terminations to suit most
Bi-wiring is the preferred method of
connection and involves the use of
separate cables from the amplifier to each
pair of terminals. The separation of the
signal paths improves the resolution of low-
level detail and allows the user to optimise
the type of cable to the frequency range of
use. (figure 2)
Should you not want to bi-wire, perhaps
during the initial set-up procedure or
because you do not want to see a
multitude of cables in the room, short
cables are provided to link both positive
and both negative speaker terminals
together. (figure 3)
When using the links, insert the spade into
the slot in the side of one terminal and the
crimped pin into the round side hole in the
other. There is enough clearance to insert a
spade connector from the amplifier into the
same terminal as the crimped pin.
Ensure each positive terminal on the
speaker (coloured red) is connected to the
positive output terminal of the amplifier and
negative (coloured black) to negative.
Incorrect connection can result in poor
imaging and loss of bass.
When bi-wiring, do not use the linking
cables. Take extra care with the polarity of
the connections as incorrect connection
can also impair the frequency response
through the crossover and, if the links are
left in place, may cause damage to the
amplifier by shorting its output terminals.
Ascertain the optimum position for the
speaker before fixing the mounting bracket
to the wall.
Stray magnetic fields
The speaker drive units create stray
magnetic fields that extend beyond the
boundaries of the cabinet. We recommend
you keep magnetically sensitive articles
(television and computer screens, computer
discs, audio and video tapes, swipe cards
and the like) at least 0.5m from the
For this reason, the Signature™SCM is only
suitable for use as a centre speaker when
using either projection, plasma or LCD
screens which are not affected by stray
magnetic fields.
Home Theatre
As a surround speaker:
There are two main ways of presenting
surround information. Older movie
soundtracks, where the surround
information was recorded on only one
channel, benefited from a very ambient, all-
enveloping presentation from the surround
speakers, with little attempt to portray
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(Помните о необходимости охраны окружающей среды и распечатывайте настоящее руководство только в том случае, если это действительно необходимо)



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Технические характеристики

Бренд Bowers and Wilkins
Модель Signature SCM
Категория Динамики
Тип файла PDF
Размер файла 4.56 MB

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Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

Я хочу подключить к телевизору динамик через HDMI. Какой порт мне следует использовать? Проверенный

Вам необходимо использовать порт HDMI-ARC, который специально предназначен для подключения аудиооборудования.

Это было полезно (1383) Читать далее

На что указывают частоты динамика? Проверенный

Они указывают на диапазон частот, который может воспроизводить динамик. Чем больше диапазон, тем шире спектр звука и тем лучше его качество.

Это было полезно (750) Читать далее

Когда музыка звучит слишком громко? Проверенный

Звук более 80 децибел (дБ) может начать повреждать слух. Звук более 120 дБ немедленно повреждает слух. Степень вреда зависит от того, как часто и как долго звучат эти децибелы.

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Работает ли bluetooth через стены и потолок? Проверенный

Сигнал Bluetooth будет проходить через стены и потолок, если они не сделаны из металла. В зависимости от толщины и материала стены сигнал может терять силу.

Это было полезно (202) Читать далее

До какого уровня шума это безопасно для детей? Проверенный

У детей слух повреждается быстрее, чем у взрослых. Поэтому важно никогда не подвергать детей шуму громче 85 дБ. В корпусе наушников есть специальные модели для детей. В случае громкоговорителей или других ситуаций вы должны быть внимательны, шум не превышает этого уровня.

Это было полезно (187) Читать далее
Руководство Bowers and Wilkins Signature SCM Динамики

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