Руководство Bartscher 50/CNS Стационарный миксер

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Control descriptions
1) Start button “I”
Press this button to start the machine.The start button will only be enabled
when the lid is down and the pan is in place.
2) Stop button “0”
Press this button to stop the machine.
3) Locking hand lever for the head (only mod.CNS-FN)
Rotate the hand lever to lift the head (clockwise) or to block it (anti-
clockwise). The start button will only be enabled when the head is down and
4) Locking flange for the pan (only mod.CNS)
Rotate the flange to lock the pan (anti-clockwise) or to release it
Kneader Operation
Lift the pan lid and put the required mix ingredients into the pan.
Close the pan lid.
Tighten the locking hand lever of the head for mod.CNS-FN.
Lock the pan by means of the flange below for mod.CNS.
Start the machine by pressing the start button “I”; machine start can only be controlled if the lid is down
and if the pot is blocked on the flange.
After operation completion, press the stop button “0”.
Lift the lid to empty it of the processed product.
After any operation cycle has been completed, wash the pan and spiral by hot water and soap.
Wipe inner face of the lid with a damp sponge.
2-speed version
Lift the pan lid and put the required mix ingredients into the pan.
Close the pan lid.
Tighten the locking hand lever of the head for mod.CNS-FN.
Lock the pan by means of the flange below for mod.CNS.
Rotate the speed selector to position 2.
Start the machine by pressing the start button “I”; machine start can only be controlled if the lid is down
and if the pot is blocked on the flange.
When the dough becomes a rather compact mixture (about 5 minutes later) stop the machine by
pressing the stop button “0” and rotate the speed selector to position 1.
Restart the machine by pressing the start button “I”, until the required consistency is achieved.
After operation completion, press the stop button “0”.
Lift the lid to empty it of the processed product.
After any operation cycle has been completed, wash the pan and spiral by hot water and soap.
Wipe inner face of the lid with a damp sponge.
Operation tips
Every litre of the water used for the mix requires about 2Kg. of the flour. The exact quantities will depend on
the type of product to be obtained and the flour being used. The water should always be poured into the pan
before the flour is added.
Capacity production:
Mod.7/SN: Pour 2.5 litres of water into the pan and add 2 Kg. of flour
After 1-2 minutes of kneading, add another 2.5 Kg. of flour.
Mod.12/SN-12/CNS-12/FN: Pour 4 litres of water into the pan and add 4 Kg. of flour
After 1-2 minutes of kneading, add another 4 Kg. of flour.
Mod.18/SN-18/CNS-18/FN: Pour 6 litres of water into the pan and add 6 Kg. of flour
After 1-2 minutes of kneading, add another 6 Kg. of flour.
Mod.25/SN-25/CNS-25/FN: Pour 8 litres of water into the pan and add 8 Kg. of flour
After 1-2 minutes of kneading, add another 9 Kg. of flour.
Mod.38/SN-38/CNS-38/FN: Pour 13 litres of water into the pan and add 12 Kg. of flour
After 1-2 minutes of kneading, add another 13 Kg. of flour.
Mod.50/SN-50/CNS-50/FN: Pour 17 litres of water into the pan and add 16 Kg. of flour
After 1-2 minutes of kneading, add another 17 Kg. of flour.
Загрузить руководство на русскийском (PDF, 3.31 MB)
(Помните о необходимости охраны окружающей среды и распечатывайте настоящее руководство только в том случае, если это действительно необходимо)



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Технические характеристики

Бренд Bartscher
Модель 50/CNS
Категория Стационарные миксеры
Тип файла PDF
Размер файла 3.31 MB

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